

GoStint is a [MVP] job submission and execution API where all jobs run in their own docker containers. Authentication, end-to-end encryption and tamper-proofing of the secure protocol are implemented via integration with Hashicorp Vault, utilising vault features:

  • AppRole Authentication
  • Token Generation
  • Transit Encryption
  • Cubbyholes
  • Response Wrapping
  • Database Credential Management
  • Secret Engines

Leveraging the Vault Secret Engines, GoStint can inject secrets into the container for the job.

Submitting a job to GoStint can take two forms:

Firstly, if there is unbroken TLS encryption between the requestor and gostint

  1. Authenticating with the Vault (using either a Vault Token or AppRole),
  2. Getting a Response Wrapped AppRole Secret_Id for the GoStint service.
  3. Submitting a job request.
  4. Polling the status of the job until complete.

and secondly, in the case of the requests traversing an “untrusted” network / routing topology, where TLS encryption is broken, we can put an encrypted job request payload in a Vault cubbyhole with a wrapped token to accept it:

  1. Authenticating with the Vault (using either a Vault Token or AppRole),
  2. Getting a Response Wrapped AppRole Secret_Id for the GoStint service.
  3. Encrypting the job request using Vault’s Transit plugin.
  4. Putting the encrypted job in a single-use response-wrapped Vault Cubbyhole.
  5. Submitting a job wrapper that tells GoStint where to get the payload from in the Vault.
  6. Polling the status of the job until complete.

An example script performing the above steps can be seen Running a Job - the hard way.

However, to make things easier, a sister project called gostint-client is available providing a command-line tool and golang api that does all of the above steps for you. See Running a Job - the easy way with gostint-client.

Jobs as Containers

Running jobs in containers allows the exact versioned environment to be (re)used for each job. Here are some examples:

  • Ansible playbooks that have been developed against a specific version of Ansible can be ensured to be run in production with that exact same version (including any/all dependencies).
  • Terraform infrastructure-as-code projects, again run in a container with the exact same tested version of Terraform.
  • Kubectl / Helm charts with a KUBECONFIG injected from Vault and ensured to run with the correct versions of the tools.
  • Powershell scripts (in Ubuntu containers) for windows automations.

Basically anything that can be run as a job in a container can be securely driven by the GoStint API.

Jobs in Queues

GoStint serialises consecutive jobs in queues (using qname). Queues are entirely arbitrary and you can use them in whatever way suits your purposes. The default queue is “”.

Note: There is currently no limit to how many jobs can run in parallel (if you let them) - other than the resource limitations of the host, of course.

Layering Content

The -content=folder/ option allows for additional content to be layered on top of the docker container, prior to running it. The layer is unpacked in to the container routed at “/”.

Injecting Secrets from Vault

The -secret-refs=["variable_name@secret/data/mysecrets.myvalue1", ...] allows for variables to be set from paths in the Vault. These are injected at the moment the job’s docker container is instantiated and placed in the container either as /secrets.yml or /secrets.json (depending on -secret-filetype - default is yaml).

A Helm Chart for Kubernetes

A demonstrator Helm Chart is available to deploy GoStint, Vault with Consul backend, and MongoDB - as a self-contained automation API.

Note: The gostint pods are run in “privileged” mode to enable support for docker-in-docker running of the containerised jobs.

Project Status

It is early days for this project and it is still considered a MVP.

Job States


Job Sequence Diagram

This diagram is taken from the original brainstorming for the end-to-end secure job submission design - you can see the full document here. This is now fully implemented between gostint-client and gostint Note: this is only required if traversing “untrusted networks / routing” where TLS encryption is being terminated on route.
