
v1/api/job Description
POST / Post a new job to the queue
POST /kill/{id} Request job {id} be killed
GET /{id} Get the job by {id}
DELETE /{id} Delete the job by {id}

Paramters that can be specified in a POSTed job request:

qname Name of the serialization queue to submit to
cubby_token (optional) One-time token from Vault to retrieve a payload its cubbyhole
cubby_path (optional) Path, in Vault, to the cubbyhole on the above token
wrap_secret_id Wrapping Token for the GoStint’s AppRole SecretID, from Vault. This allows GoStint to complete its authentication to the Vault

The job payload can either be encrypted and placed in a Vault cubbyhole (see cubby_* fields above) or can be simply specified in the POSTed JSON, containing:

container_image Image name in DockerHub to run
image_pull_policy (optional) Always / IfNotPresent
content (optional) base64 encoded tar.gz of injectable content, to overlay on the container prior to execution
entrypoint Array of strings defining the entrypoint in the container, see docker run
run Array of strings defining the command to run, see docker run
working_directory Working directory for the command to run in
env_vars Environment variables passed to the job container
tty Boolean default=false, specifies if docker will run the job in a tty (thus preserving any ANSI key codes, e.g. color text, etc.)
secret_refs Array of strings variable_name@vault_path to retrieve from the Vault and inject into the container as /secrets.yml | .json
secret_file_type What type of secrets file will be injected into the docker container’s root filesystem: yaml (default) or json.
cont_on_warnings Boolean default false. Whether to panic or continue on secret resolving warnings from the Vault

These are the additional fields returned:

status Current status of the job
return_code Return code from the job container
submitted When submitted
started When started
ended When ended
output Raw stdout from the job (stdout+stderr with ansi key codes if tty enabled)
stderr Raw stderr from the job
container_id docker container id
kill_requested Boolean kill has been requested