Getting Started with GoStint

Getting started with a Vagrant Development Environment

  • Prereqs:
    • Docker
    • Vagrant
  • Clone this project.
  • Start up the vagrant docker instance:
    gostint $ vagrant up
  • SSH into the Vagrant instance:
    gostint $ vagrant ssh
  • Change to the gostint src folder mapped into the container:
    vagrant@23e208f27e53:~$ cd go/src/
  • Start gostint using godo:
    vagrant@23e208f27e53:~/go/src/$ godo

    (optional parameter --watch will restart if changes are detected)

    You should see a log similar to:

    2018/07/29 15:37:39 Starting gostint service
    2018/07/29 15:37:39 Dialing Mongodb
    2018/07/29 15:37:39 Logging in to gostint db

    The gostint server is now running with it’s api accessible at (also the vault ui/api is exposed at

  • In another vagrant ssh window, you can run the BATs api tests:
    gostint $ vagrant ssh
    vagrant@23e208f27e53:~$ cd go/src/
    vagrant@23e208f27e53:~$ godo test

    The Vagrant container starts up the dev instance of MongodDB and Vault automatically.

Simple “Production” Deployment

Note: this is a work-in-progress…

This example is to demo a very simple prod deployment. Ideally in production each of the components would be configured for High Availability and Scalability.

Simple Prod

  • Start a MongoDB docker service - see the official mongo image. Configure:
    mongo admin --eval "db.createUser({user: 'your_db_user', pwd: 'your_db_password', roles: [{role: 'root', db: 'admin'}]})"
  • Start a Hashicorp Vault service - if deploying to a real production environment then consider their reference architecture guide, esp around hardening recommendations - for now you can use the official vault docker image. Configure vault for gostint:
    export VAULT_ADDR="https://your_vault_host:8200"
    vault login your_root_token
    vault secrets enable database
    # Configure Vault's MongoDB Secret Engine for our DB instance
    # this requires privileged creds for the DB to allow Vault to issue ephemeral
    # creds to gostint.  It is recommended to rotate your privileged creds in production.
    vault write database/config/gostint-mongodb \
      plugin_name=mongodb-database-plugin \
      allowed_roles="gostint-dbauth-role" \
      connection_url="mongodb://:@your_db_host:27017/admin?ssl=false" \
      username="your_db_user" \
    vault write database/roles/gostint-dbauth-role \
      db_name=gostint-mongodb \
      creation_statements='{ "db": "gostint", "roles": [{ "role": "readWrite" }] }' \
      default_ttl="10m" \
    # Create policy to access mongodb secret eng user/pass generator
    curl -s \
      --request POST \
      --header 'X-Vault-Token: your_root_token' \
      --data '{"policy": "path \"database/creds/gostint-dbauth-role\" {\n  capabilities = [\"read\"]\n}"}' \
    vault secrets enable transit
    vault write -f transit/keys/gostint
    # Enable Vault AppRole
    vault auth enable approle
    # Create policy to access kv secrets for approle
    curl -s \
      --request POST \
      --header 'X-Vault-Token: your_root_token' \
      --data '{"policy": "path \"secret/*\" {\n  capabilities = [\"read\"]\n}"}' \
    # Create policy to access transit decrypt gostint for approle
    curl -s \
      --request POST \
      --header 'X-Vault-Token: your_root_token' \
      --data '{"policy": "path \"transit/decrypt/gostint\" {\n  capabilities = [\"update\"]\n}"}' \
    # Create named role for gostint
    vault write auth/approle/role/gostint-role \
      secret_id_ttl=24h \
      secret_id_num_uses=10000 \
      token_num_uses=10 \
      token_ttl=20m \
      token_max_ttl=30m \
  • Start gostint: This will need a deployment_token_from_vault issued from a privileged persona to allow this deployment to setup the required policies etc (dont forget to revoke tokens once you are finished with them).
    export VAULT_ADDR="https://your_vault_host:8200"
    # Request a MongoDB secret engine token for gostint to request an ephemeral
    # time-bound username/password pair.
    token=$(curl -s \
      --request POST \
      --header 'X-Vault-Token: deployment_token_from_vault' \
      --data '{"policies": ["gostint-mongodb-auth"], "ttl": "10m", "num_uses": 2}' \
      ${VAULT_ADDR}/v1/auth/token/create | jq .auth.client_token -r)
    # Get gostint's AppRole RoleId from the Vault
    roleid=`curl -s --header 'X-Vault-Token: deployment_token_from_vault' \
      ${VAULT_ADDR}/v1/auth/approle/role/gostint-role/role-id | jq .data.role_id -r`
    # Run gostint
    docker run --init -d \
    --name gostint -p 3232:3232 \
    --privileged=true \
    -v your_gostint_cfg/etc:/var/lib/gostint \
    --volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    --volume /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
    -e GOSTINT_DBAUTH_TOKEN="$token" \
    -e GOSTINT_ROLEID="$roleid" \

    Note: --privileged=true is currently required to allow docker-in-docker.

    your_gostint_cfg/etc needs to contain your gostint instance’s TLS private key and certificate, named key.pemand cert.pem respectively.